Tag Archives: white paper report

CUF Reports Design


Center for an Urban Future (CUF), a leading New York City-based think tank, sought out a report template design refresh to showcase their recommendations. The solution creates a unique and recognizable framework tying the center’s reports together visually while building in a margin of variability to exercise creativity for more prominent policy reports.

Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit

World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA)

The Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network is a broad network of civil society organizations (CSOs) that works to ensure that open, inclusive, accountable, effective governance and peaceful societies are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and that civil society are recognized and mobilized as indispensable partners in the design, implementation of and accountability for sustainable development policies, at all levels.

The TAP Network engages some of the foremost expert organizations on the issues around Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ‘to promote peaceful, inclusive societies for sustainable development, to provide access to justice for all and to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’. TAP benefits from the invaluable expertise, experiences and unique perspectives of its members, all of whom come together to collaborate under the TAP Network umbrella.

Stislow Design working with TAP Network designed this resource in six languages for stakeholders, particularly national level civil society organizations, to utilize in advocacy on the implementation of and accountability for Goal 16 (of the Sustainable Development Goals) and the broader 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA)

Translated into two additional languages (French and Tetum), Stislow Design is proud to continue our work with the Sixteen Plus Forum team at WFUNA on their event materials and resulting annual outcome document for their multi-day international conferences.

WFUNA launched the 16+ Forum in April 2016, a platform committed to SDG 16+ and to showcasing what it means to advance peaceful, just and inclusive societies in policy and practice at all levels and for a wide community of stakeholders — governments, civil society, the UN, regional and international organizations, academia, private sector and media.

2019 COTW Report


Stislow Design helps TReNDS launch the 2019 Counting on the World to Act Report.

The importance of their research and data

Eradicating poverty and hunger, ensuring quality education, instituting affordable and clean energy, and more — the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay out a broad, ambitious vision for our world. But there is one common denominator that cuts across this agenda: data. Without timely, relevant, and disaggregated data, policymakers and their development partners will be unprepared to turn their promises into reality for communities worldwide. With only eleven years left to meet the goals, it is imperative that we focus on building robust, inclusive, and relevant national data systems to support the curation and promotion of better data for sustainable development. In Counting on the World to Act, TReNDS details an action plan for governments and their development partners that will enable them to help deliver the SDGs globally by 2030. Our recommendations specifically aim to empower government actors — whether they be national statisticians, chief data scientists, chief data officers, ministers of planning, or others concerned with evidence in support of sustainable development — to advocate for, build, and lead a new data ecosystem.

World Happiness Report 2020


Stislow Design helps launch the 2020 World Happiness Report with the inspiring team at the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The branding system continues use of a bright color system that gradate from year to year developed first developed in 2018. The World Happiness Report and related Global Happiness and Well-being Policy Report are printed worldwide and translated into several languages.

You can see the full report at the World Happiness Report website

World Happiness Report 2019


The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. This year’s World Happiness Report focuses on happiness and the community: how happiness has evolved over the past dozen years, with a focus on the technologies, social norms, conflicts and government policies that have driven those changes.

A branding system of bright colors that gradate from year to year developed in 2018 with wonderful team at SDSN. The World Happiness Report and related Global Happiness and Well-being Policy Report are printed worldwide and translated into several languages. The website is beautifully built by the SDSN team.